Clearing by Martha Postlewaite 

Do not try to save 
the whole world 
or do anything grandiose. 
Instead, create a clearing 
in the dense forest of your life 
and wait there 
until the song 
that is your life 
falls into your own cupped hands 
and you recognize and greet it. 
Only then will you know 
how to give yourself 
to this world 
so worthy of rescue.

(C) Martha Postlewaite 

  • How do you create “clearings” in your life, where you can attune to a greater wisdom? Do you meditate, walk in nature, dance? Describe your “clearings” and what they gift you with in your journal.

  • Instead of running after a sense of purpose, what if you were to wait patiently, quietly, for the song that is your life to fall into your cupped hands? Write a poem beginning, “The song that is my life…”

  • Find a sit spot in nature. Make this your place to explore in your journal what it means for you to give yourself to this world. What gifts are yours to offer?


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