Rewild yourself by caroline mellor

There are places in you

Where thousands of bright, tiny flowers

Open each morning to the sun

In meadows as vast as the sky.

An ancient alchemy courses through your bones.

It speaks in feathers and stones and

precious metals and the footprints of mandalas

left by the stories we tell with our lives.

Rewild yourself.

Until green tendrils sprout from your fingernails

And lichen swathes your eyebrows.

Rewild yourself.

Until your roots spread and uncoil and

Writhe down through soil and rock.

Rewild yourself.

Rise up into your magnificence and

Take your place among the constellations.

Rewild yourself.

The Earth is her own medicine.

Be yours.

(C) Caroline Mellor

  • Begin a poem with the words, “There are places in you…” Allow your imagination to feel into all those wild places and explore them through your poem. What have you discovered?

  • Write a list of at least 10 ways you plan to rewild yourself in 2025. When you have completed your list, highlight three things you can add into your life, right now.

  • What would it be like to be your own medicine. Explore your reflections in your journal.


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